TopLadies - Private-Striptease - NON-STOP Topless-Dance - Special Themenshows - Cigars - Sauna - Fun & MORE...
An oasis that has grown for over 32 years awaits you with an atmosphere between traditional nightclub entertainment and old-fashioned bar over Whisky, cigars, and musical rarities.
You will meet selected, attractive, and charming ladies in extravagant, sexy outfits with the pleasant option for more.
A classy ambiance and such manners define our ‚EXZESS! Gentlemen-Club‘ in the truest sense of the word. Exclusive services, fair prices, and free entrance. We offer a good composition of guaranteed discretion and a non-binding nature of the club among like-minded people.
With a lot of dedication and warmth, the joyful team will turn every visit into an unmatched experience.